STORY |  |
30, 2001 | |
you are probably all wondering, what was the story of our engagement? How did
it all happen? Pull up a chair, sit down, grab your favorite carbonated beverage,
and let us tell you a tale. As many of you know, Amy began graduate school
in the fall of 2001, pursuing a Master's degree in social work. The week of July
29-August 4 was her last at the agency she had served for three years, Evangelical
Child and Family Agency (Wheaton, Ill.). The staff planned a breakfast for
Amy, as a sort of "going away" party at the Wheaton office (even though Amy was
based out of the Chicago office). | |
that this day was a sentimental one (it was the 7 year anniversary of our first
date), Steve began planning a creative way to "pop the question" that tied into
this point in history. It began with many phone calls to Amy's supervisor, where
the two discussed how to "influence" Amy to take the rest of the day off after
the breakfast. But since Amy had so much work to finish during her final week
(as she is extremely dedicated to the kids and families she serves), she wouldn't
hear of giving up that time. Eventually, Steve volunteered to take some
time off work to attend the going-away breakfast with Amy (with the blessings
of his superiors at work). Amy, thinking that it would be nice to celebrate the
first date anniversary with the man of her dreams, eventually rearranged her schedule
to free up the afternoon. | |
the going-away breakfast, we prepared to leave Wheaton and head back into the
city. However, a momentary flash of creativity flowed from Steve's backpack. It
consisted of a stack of 12 index cards, each one listing an event/activity for
us to do together. Amy was to select a card and then we would continue on, working
through the deck. This choice of game was sentimental because it paralleled
a similar event experienced during our first and second dates together back in
1994 (it was a crazy date idea by Steve... it's still crazy today!). In a way,
we were walking through history at each of the places we visited. At each of these
stops, we would take photos commemorating the event (however, many people thought
we were quite odd, as in order to both get into the shot, we set up the camera
on a tripod with a timer... what can we say... it was about making a memory!).
Combine this unique aspect with the fact that the heat index was pushing 95+ degrees,
and you have the makings of quite an interesting day. As we visited
numerous locations, it was refreshing to share stories and experiences that we
had forgot about in more recent years. Sometimes when you are working full time
and caught up with today, you forget about why you were together in the first
place. One thing that Amy found amazing was how she kept randomly pulling
cards, yet they all seemed to conveniently fall into pattern (for example, it
was quite "lucky" that she pulled all the Wheaton events during our time in that
suburb, without pulling a Chicago-related activity first... more on how this was
accomplished later). Our
travels took us to many memorable locations throughout Wheaton (a place Amy lived
for many years), and then into Chicago to various sites of interest from our early
times together, including Wrigley Field, a local ice cream shop, and a nostalgic
hot dog drive-thru where they still serve you at your car window. |
the day wore on and the heat intensified, Amy thought something might be up. Nevertheless,
the couple eventually found themselves at the Chicago
Botanical Gardens (which actually isn't in Chicago, but rather in northern
Glencoe... go figure). This place has held many memories for us, as we've had
numerous conversations and walks over the years. The Gardens were undergoing a
very large capital improvement project, involving many new areas slated to open
in late 2002. To make this all possible, the large lagoon that surrounded the
Garden was drained, and many surrounding areas were undergoing redevelopment.
Included in these areas was one special hill that we spent much time at over the
years. It was "our hill". At the time, however, it seemed a bulldozer preferred
to call it home. Out
of nostalgia, we hiked around the empty lagoon to get as close as possible to
"our spot". When we reached a large fence preventing us from proceeding into the
construction area, we found a nice plot of grass under the shade of a tree and
just reflected on the moment. | |
was at this point that Steve had Amy draw the final card from the deck... and
it read "Daily Double" (referring to our similar date many years past, where upon
drawing this card, Steve presented Amy with a gift). At this moment, Steve whipped
out a poem he wrote, oddly titled "Old Lip Balm" (you'll have to ask Amy about
that one some time). The poem tied in how even though we have had such a great
history at "our spot" in the Gardens, that area was now being prepared and nutured
for a very exciting future - much like our relationship. Eventually, the poem
asked the question "will you be my wife?" Before he could really get the ring
out of the box, she said "yes!" (Amy was waiting for this moment for a L - O -
N - G time). Eventually the ring was on the finger, and there was much merriment
in the land. | |
the temperature turned cooler, and we sat and talked as the sun set, all the while
listening to a bell tower concert played on the Carillon at the Gardens. It was
quite delightful. We returned to the city to play a round of mini golf
(also an event celebrated from their earlier dates together -- by the way, Amy
won... but Steve swears the course was fixed). By then it was late evening, and
we were quite exhausted after "Steve and Amy's Engagement Adventure". However,
we capped off the evening by coloring with crayons back at the Tanner's house
(the final event marked in history). Steve then drove Amy home, and we each slept
blissfully through the night. That's our story and we are sticking to
it! | |
thing that Amy didn't realize was that up until noon, Steve didn't actually have
the ring with him. Due to a shipping error, the diamond was sent to the wrong
jeweler, pushing back the preparation time. Although they were rushing to get
the ring completed in time, the jeweler couldn't assure it would be ready until
mid-day. It was at this point where Steve's
sister played "ring courier", checking on the ring status as Steve and Amy
continued their adventure around Chicagoland. Eventually, Steve and his sister
connected (right under Amy's nose too.. he he), and the secret ring handoff was
made. Talk about cutting it close! Also, you may be wondering how it
seemed that Amy always pulled the "right" card out of the deck. What she didn't
know was that each time Steve held out the deck for her to draw a new card, it
was a brand new deck. Steve actually had prepared 12 different decks of cards,
decreasing in number each time, but with each card listing THE SAME ACTIVITY.
Thus, no matter what card Amy selected, it was always the "right" destination.
Sneaky, we know... :) |
1 Billy Graham Center |
2 The Stupe @ Wheaton College |
3 Popcorn Store |
4 The Vowel Game |
5 each for A, E, I, O, U" |
5 Pray! |
6 Wrigley Field |
Together" | |
7 SuperDawg Drive-In |
8 Toots Drive Thru |
9 Chicago Botanical Gardens: Evening Island under construction |
10 Chicago Botanical Gardens: Poem, Ring & Chap Stick |
10 Chicago Botanical Gardens: The Ring on the Finger |
11 Mini Golf Scorecard (and a ring!) |
12 Coloring at the end of the day |
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